Farm Living Is The Life For Former City Slickers

Farm Living Is The Life For Former City Slickers

TONASKET, Wash. (Wireless Flash) – Green Acres is more than a TV show to a family in Tonasket, Washington: It’s a manifesto for living. Seven years ago, Jeanie and Ron Whiting moved away from the hustle and bustle of Auburn, Washington, to a farm so remote that the nearest grocery store is 45 minutes away. Jeanie says trading stores for chores wasn’t that hard and hopes her new book, Farm Animals: Your Guide To Raising Livestock (Fox Mtn. Publishing), inspires fellow former yuppies to give up the rat race for a chicken coop. However, farm life has its adjustments. If you’re not careful, you become emotionally attached to pigs, chickens and cows and “end up with more pets than food.” Jeanie also warns would-be farmers that pigs tend to think they’re dogs and claims there’s nothing that prepares you for when a 1100-pound oinker “tries to lick your face.”

Fri 06-07-02