Pet Shop Boys Suffering World Cup Woes

Pet Shop Boys Suffering World Cup Woes

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash) – Pet Shop Boys keyboardist Chris Lowe knows something about rhythm, but he needs to learn something about timing. You see, Lowe is an avid soccer buff and is avidly following the World Cup currently going on in Japan and Korea. However, he’s also kicking himself because the band is currently touring the United States, which isn’t exactly a mecca for the sport. Lowe is worried not many U.S. cities have enough pubs that will show the games – since many will be broadcast in the middle of the night. That’s not the only conflict he’s kicking around. Although Lowe wants the English national team to win the Cup, members of his favorite British team, London Arsenal are playing for France and one of the coaches is working for Sweden. The Pet Shop Boys’ latest recording, Release, is currently in stores.

Mon 06-03-02